Famed & Framed #3

Bite-Sized Art: History, News, Auctions, and More!

Welcome! If you’re new here, every week we send out a newsletter containing:

- One “Frame” of the week: history & opinions about a work of art
- One “Fame” of the week: sales from auctions or other big art news
- One “Find” of the week: a work we like, gallery opening, or surprise!

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Frame of the Week

Judith Slaying Holofernes (1620–1621) by Artemisia Gentileschi

  • Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1656) was the first feminist painter and inarguably the most prominent female painter of the renaissance.

  • The painting depicts the biblical story of Judith, a Jewish widow who saves her city from the invading Assyrian army by seducing and beheading their general, Holofernes.

  • One of the most striking aspects of this painting is the way Gentileschi portrays Judith as a strong and determined woman. The artist was herself a survivor of sexual assault and her experience is often cited as a possible influence on her portrayal of Judith.

  • The motive behind it as well as the technical aspects such as her use of chiaroscuro makes this one of her most famous works.

Fame of the Week

Sainte-Adresse, Les rochers du cap de la Hève by Claude Monet

  • This Monet was recently sold at a Sotheby’s auction for just over £508,000.

  • This auction also featured Renoir, Kandinsky, Cézanne, Modigliani, Mondrian, Chagall, and Magritte. A packed auction!

  • For more info on the auction, click here!

Find of the Week

  • Make Room Los Angeles presents a series of new paintings by Yesiyu Zhao, In Search of Gold Mountain (Gum San), a reflection on myth, history, identity and becoming in the mass migration from East to West.

  • This exhibition is live until March 25th at Make Room LA

  • Check out more info here!

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way-things I had no words for.

Georgia O’Keeffe

That’s it for this week! If you know of any art news you’d like me to feature, artworks you’d like me to write about, or anything else, feel free to dm me on Instagram. And please share the newsletter too!