Famed & Framed #4

Bite-Sized Art: History, News, Auctions, and More!

Welcome! If you’re new here, every week we send out a newsletter containing:

- One “Frame” of the week: history & opinions about a work of art
- One “Fame” of the week: sales from auctions or other big art news
- One “Find” of the week: a work we like, gallery opening, or surprise!

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Frame of the Week

The Son of Man (1964) by René Magritte

  • René Magritte is most famous for his surrealist paintings which sought to explore the subconscious mind and challenge conventional notions of reality.

  • Magritte himself described the painting as "the image of mystery" and suggested that the apple represents the hidden nature of man's thoughts and emotions.

  • Some see it as a commentary on identity and the tension between individuality and conformity, while others see it as a symbol of the human condition and the struggle to understand our own inner selves.

Fame of the Week

  • 2022 did not lend well to most traditional asset classic with stocks and bonds both down double digits.

  • However, many “luxury assets” thrived, with art topping them all coming in at a 29% return.

  • In 2022, five works achieved more than $100 million at auction!

Find of the Week

A Many-Splendoured Thing (2023) by Caroline Wong

  • On Friday, March 25th from 6-9pm at Rusha & Co. gallery, Caroline Wong will have her debut solo exhibition in the US.

  • Her works on canvas render her female characters eating lustfully at a dining table in a seemingly private setting. Here they express an untamed pleasure, free from judgment and all social constraints.

  • Wong's primary interest lies in capturing women when they are their most authentic selves, and presenting a critical subversion of misogynistic observations and biases throughout art history.

  • For more info check out their website.

"Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see."

René Magritte

That’s it for this week! If you know of any art news you’d like me to feature, artworks you’d like me to write about, or anything else, feel free to dm me on Instagram. And please share the newsletter too!