Famed & Framed

Bite-Sized Art: History, News, Auctions, and More!

Welcome! If you’re new here, every week we send out a newsletter containing:

- One “Frame” of the week: history & opinions about a work of art
- One “Fame” of the week: sales from auctions or other big art news
- One “Find” of the week: a work we like, gallery opening, or surprise!

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Frame of the Week

Las Meninas (1656) by Diego Velázquez

  • This masterpiece by Diego Velázquez, entitled Las Meninas or Ladies-in-Waiting, is renowned for being far ahead of its time.

  • First, Diego put himself, the painter on the left, in the same scene as royalty. This was not usually done, but the King, who loved Velázquez’ art so much that he regularly came into his studio to watch him paint, allowed it.

  • Additionally, there is the problem of the mirror. There is much debate over whether this mirror is supposed to be a reflection of where the viewer is standing, putting us in the shoes of royalty, or a reflection of the painter’s canvas, making this painting is an ode to painting itself.

  • Finally, and most curiously, there is the fact that 6 of the 9 figures are staring right back at you, as if something in the foreground, or even outside of the painting, just caught their attention. What could it be?

  • For more info about this painting, I encourage you to watch this video

Fame of the Week

Girl in Striped Dress (2001) by George Condo

  • This George Condo painting was sold at a Sotheby’s auction for undisclosed amount on July 19th. The painting is a mere 18×14cm!

  • “Employing simple, thick brushstrokes, Condo brilliantly conveys a multiplicity of emotions in a single look.”

  • For more info on the auction, click here!

Find of the Week

Untitled (2023) by Huh Myoungwook

  • Through August 20th, Gana Art Los Angeles is presenting Overlaying Time, a solo exhibition from Huh Myoungwook.

  • Huh believes that color is what represents himself and his life. After numerous efforts, he successfully expressed these sensuous colors through the lacquer medium. From ganaart.com

The subject matter of the painting is always the person looking at it.

George Condo

That’s it for this week! If you know of any art news you’d like me to feature, artworks you’d like me to write about, or anything else, feel free to dm me on Instagram. And please share the newsletter too!