Framed & Framed

Bite-Sized Art: History, News, Auctions, and More!

Welcome! If you’re new here, every week we send out a newsletter containing:

- One “Frame” of the week: history & opinions about a work of art
- One “Fame” of the week: sales from auctions or other big art news
- One “Find” of the week: a work we like, gallery opening, or surprise!

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Frame of the Week

Mont-Saint-Michel, Setting Sun (1897) by Paul Signac

  • In the early months of 1897, Paul Signac wrote to his friend Henri Edmond Cross saying that he had painted several pictures in Mont Saint-Michel, and that the best were studies of the varying weather effects.

  • In 2004, one painting in this set, Mist and Sun, was sold for almost £600,000 GBP.

  • The above is from

  • Paul Signac, along with Georges Seurat, is credited with developing the pointillism technique. Instead of using traditional brushstrokes, Signac applied small, distinct dots or strokes of pure color to the canvas. These dots of color, when viewed from a distance, blend together in the viewer's eye, creating a vibrant and luminous effect.

Fame of the Week

Pentecost (~1490) by The Master of the Baroncelli Portraits

  • This rare painting was sold for almost £8M pounds on July 5th 2023.

  • The subject of Pentecost is taken from Acts 2: 1–4 and depicts the moment when on the feast day of that name, ten days after the Ascension of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended upon a gathering of the apostles, whereupon ‘…there appeared to them tongues like flames of fire, dispersed among them and resting on each.

  • There were also a Ruben, a David, and a work by Frans van Mieris the Elder bringing the evening’s sales to a staggering £39 million GBP.

  • This information is from this website.

Find of the Week

Petal Swim (2021) by Joanne Julian

  • On Saturday, July 15th from 4-7pm, Joanne Julian is having the artist reception to her exhibition, Joanne Julian: Garden Spirits, with gallery Tufenkian Fine Arts in Los Angeles.

  • Joanne Julian’s practice traces the exploration of contrasting elements and profound moments. Her artworks skillfully capture the interplay between light and dark, spontaneity and precision, fear and joy, and youth and age, often encapsulated within a single vision.

  • From Tufenkian Fine Arts

The painter should be firmly settled in the school of pure colors... His palette should be so complete that the finest nuance, the most fugitive tone, may be immediately transcribed.

Paul Signac

That’s it for this week! If you know of any art news you’d like me to feature, artworks you’d like me to write about, or anything else, feel free to dm me on Instagram. And please share the newsletter too!